Saturday, December 21, 2019

Why More People Eat Fast Food Essay - 893 Words

Fast Food In our American society today where waking up early each morning to get ready for work has becoming a very huge part of our daily life, we realize that people are becoming more busy even to the point of becoming lazy since they barely have any time to cook for themselves or for their families and therefore, this has lead to the increasing number of fast food restaurants everywhere we go. Pick McDonalds, Subways and Wendy’s for example; there is no corner you will step that you wouldnt end up seeing their sign because all this fast food are very cheap, very convenient and they taste really good and therefore explains why more people eat fast food this days. In a society where money has become a very big†¦show more content†¦In the case of having short breaks at work or school, our only options we have to getting something to eat in the few minutes is to run, drive fast or even walk fast for not more than a minutes and we will be able to get something to eat because the fast food restaurant isnt far from us. The convenience of fast food restaurants today has become very helpful to us especially to those who drive because it helps save gas, driving distance and it is very quick and this reason tends to explain why more people are eating fast food. More people are eating fast food this days because our taste buds have become more important to us than the content in the food we eat, whether it being healthy or not. Satisfying our cravings with some large fries and a cheeseburger from McDonalds or a long foot cheese steak from subway will make us feel better of ourselves even though it is unhealthy than eating some rice with vegetables made at home even though . People wouldnt care about the percentage of fat in a McDonald’s burger because no one really thinks about what they are eating while they are eating it until they are done with it. As we all know, eating fast foods can bring about so many different types of sickness such as h igh cholesterol level, diabetes and obesity upon us but we still care because we just want to satisfy our cravings and our taste buds. 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