Sunday, December 29, 2019

Homelessness A Review Of Literature Essay - 1212 Words

Homelessness: A Review of Literature A vast amount of studies have been conducted on homelessness in Canada and what the looks like in our society. How can we change this to become a mare successful ideas of help?The main topic that is going to try to be addressed is Homelessness and how help may be provided to those who are in need. The first thing that needs to be addressed is how displayed in the following articles and are they beneficial to our society. The ideas that the following article was written by Racine, G (2002) about the woman telling their experiences with help from society, while in poverty.Another source that is going to be dissected is an article written by Anucha, U (2010) addresses are going to address is it true that Homelessness is housed but not helped? The next article is written and will be examined is by Fallis G (2010) that is going to address to be on our current housing policy for those without a home. The next article is written by Walsh, C.Graham, J .Shier, M. (2009) and the main goal of that is what are the goals for a homeless shelter as a connective? One of the last articles I am going to be critically analyzing is an article written by Brushett, K Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario (2007) is one the people will go with the cuts to the housing policy. The final article that is going to be dissected written by Paul Morden; A story about College students holding a sleep out challenge held to spread awareness. The mainShow MoreRelatedHomelessness And The United Kingdom1747 Words   |  7 PagesHomelessness has been a globalised concern for centuries. In United Kingdom homelessness predominantly describes in the lines homeless legislation such the Housing Act (2004) and Homeless persons Act (2002) Burrows, Pleace and Quilgars, (2004). This in predominantly surrounding who is perceived as homeless based certain criteria whereby the individual cannot be intentional homeless. However, priority is given to women who have children and women who are vulnerable, in cases such as domestic violenceRead MoreEssay about The United States Homeless Population879 Words   |  4 Pagespopulation continues to grow rapidly. Homelessness has been a public health issue for many decades. Often times these individuals feel as though society has turned a blind eye to them. This at risk population is seen by society as lazy or chose to live a life on the streets, but if one would examine this population closely would see that there is more to this at risk population than what society has labeled them as. The forces, which affect homelessness, are multifaceted. Social forces such asRead MoreSocial Research On Ethical And Political Context1556 Words   |  7 PagesHSW322 Applied Social Research in ethical and political context Assessment one - Literature Review Student: Mineeka De Been FOCUS OF THE PROPOSAL The focus of this proposal is to undertake a comprehensive needs assessment of the current Barwon South West Region’s Youth Homelessness Services, with the aim of locating and bridging gaps that are presently in the services system, by collecting and analysing information such as assessment data, client interviews and so forth (Depoy Gilson, 2003, p75)Read MoreResearch Literature Review1653 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ SOWK 562 – Summer 2014 Assignment #3: Intervention Literature Review July 20, 2014 Dr. Hsin-Yi Hsiao Intervention Description There are two distinct service models for persons experiencing homelessness that also have issues with mental illness and/or addictions, the treatment first model or the Housing First model. Housing First models utilize a supported housing approach in which consumers start with permanent, independent apartments and providers work with consumers regardlessRead MoreStudent s Perceptions Of Homeless Persons Essay886 Words   |  4 Pagestoward them (Boydell, Goering, Morrell-Bellai, 2000; Harter, Berquist, Titsworth, Novak, Brokaw, 2005). Persons wanting to work with homeless individuals should be aware of any biases they bring with them when working with this population. Homelessness in a growing problem in America today. Several studies have been performed investigating the perceptions of students toward homeless people (Kane, Green, Jacobs, 2010; Phillips, 2015; Speak, Tiple, 2006). Kane, et al. 2010 studied the perceptionsRead MoreThe United Kingdom And The Implication For Women849 Words   |  4 Pagesand explore homelessness in the United Kingdom and the implication for women. Literature review Many historian and social scientist agree that the multi-dimensional and complex nature of homelessness has resulted in the relative difficulty in establishing a clear definition of homelessness. Accordingly, homelessness began to escape concise definition, due to the complexity and increasing diversification (Chamberlain and Johnson: 2001). However, globally the definition of homelessness states thatRead MoreSouthside Community Center Literature Review1502 Words   |  7 Pages Southside Community Center Literature Review Samantha Tratchel Texas State University â€Æ' Southside Community Center Literature Review According the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 549,928 people were experiencing homelessness on a single night in January 2016 (Henry, Watt, Rosenthal Shivji, 2016). Families account for 37% of the homeless population (Holtrop, Mneil McWey, 2015). Although the exact number of the homeless population in Hays County is currently unknownRead MoreVoices From The Street : Exploring The Realities Of Family Homelessness714 Words   |  3 PagesBrush, B. L., Baiardi, J. M., Kirk, K., Vanmaldeghem, K. (2014). Voices From the Street: Exploring the Realities of Family Homelessness. Journal of Family Nursing, 20(4), 390-414. doi:10.1177/1074840714548943 The purpose of this study were to conduct focus groups with homeless mothers and their case workers in Detroit, Michigan, to explore the pathways into homelessness, to understand the day to day experiences of living in shelters, the process of rehousing, identify real and perceived barriersRead MoreHomeless Veterans Are Becoming More Prevalent Of The United States886 Words   |  4 Pagesveteran is an individual who lives on the streets, in abandoned buildings, vehicles, encampments, shelters, or transitional housing (Veterans Today, 2013). As a matter of fact, homeless veterans do not have a permanent residence under their control. Homelessness in general includes those who fit what Martha Burt, et al. (2004) called â€Å"street homeless†, which they defined as single adults who spend a lot of time on the streets; and the â€Å"chronically homeless†, which they defined as â€Å"being disabled and eitherRead MoreSolution Of Homelessness In Canada1102 Words   |  5 Pagespeople were homeless in the United States on one given night in January 2016. The Canadian Observatory on Homelessness reported that 35,000 people were homeless in Canada around the same time and that at least 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness at some point in a year (Gaetz et al., 2016). Although both the U.S. and Canada have made some effort toward reducing and ending homelessness, it clearly still remains a serious problem in both countries. While some communities, such as New Orleans

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Why More People Eat Fast Food Essay - 893 Words

Fast Food In our American society today where waking up early each morning to get ready for work has becoming a very huge part of our daily life, we realize that people are becoming more busy even to the point of becoming lazy since they barely have any time to cook for themselves or for their families and therefore, this has lead to the increasing number of fast food restaurants everywhere we go. Pick McDonalds, Subways and Wendy’s for example; there is no corner you will step that you wouldnt end up seeing their sign because all this fast food are very cheap, very convenient and they taste really good and therefore explains why more people eat fast food this days. In a society where money has become a very big†¦show more content†¦In the case of having short breaks at work or school, our only options we have to getting something to eat in the few minutes is to run, drive fast or even walk fast for not more than a minutes and we will be able to get something to eat because the fast food restaurant isnt far from us. The convenience of fast food restaurants today has become very helpful to us especially to those who drive because it helps save gas, driving distance and it is very quick and this reason tends to explain why more people are eating fast food. More people are eating fast food this days because our taste buds have become more important to us than the content in the food we eat, whether it being healthy or not. Satisfying our cravings with some large fries and a cheeseburger from McDonalds or a long foot cheese steak from subway will make us feel better of ourselves even though it is unhealthy than eating some rice with vegetables made at home even though . People wouldnt care about the percentage of fat in a McDonald’s burger because no one really thinks about what they are eating while they are eating it until they are done with it. As we all know, eating fast foods can bring about so many different types of sickness such as h igh cholesterol level, diabetes and obesity upon us but we still care because we just want to satisfy our cravings and our taste buds. Even though there are some fast food restaurants such as Subway that provide a nutritious andShow MoreRelatedFast Food, Cause Effect Essay702 Words   |  3 PagesCAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THE POPULARITY OF FAST FOOD Nowadays, most people -especially kids and young people- prefer to eat fast food, such as hamburgers, pizza, fried food, etc. Why it has become so popular? It tastes better than homemade food? We do not believe it is only the taste the reason of the popularity of fast food. There are several reasons why fast food had become popular over the years. It is popular because it is cheap, quick and convenient to those who haveRead MoreTeen Obesity Essay1378 Words   |  6 Pagesorg. In the last 3 decades, teen obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled among adolescents. Why you might ask. Well, children become overweight and obese for a variety of reasons. The most common causes are genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of these factors. Only in rare cases is being overweight caused by a medical condition such as a hormonal problem says In the US the food proportions are a lot larger than the proportionsRead MoreHow Fast Food Affect A French Health907 Words   |  4 Pages How Fast Food Affect a French Health Over time eating has become easier than ever. United States created fast food which the main purpose was to benefit people from eating on the go and today this eating efficiently has spread all over the world. Not only U.S. joined the new eating concept, but many other countries including France. Fast food has spread all over France, and it is the second country with the largest fast food consumer. It is very surprising to see an European country as the secondRead MoreEating Food Slowly Is A Bad Thing?864 Words   |  4 Pages Many could say that eating food slowly is a bad thing? But research shows the opposite. Many people who work in offices, schools, or fast food restaurants and many other jobs, only have approximately 30 minutes to eat their lunch during their break. That is why they come to their conclusion on to why eating food slow is a bad thing. When workers have a 30-minute break to eat lunch, they want to enjoy their lunch. However they cant because they have to go to work right back. One can think, â€Å"WellRead MoreHow Fast Food Is Addictive1436 Words   |  6 Pagestopic of fast food, most of us will readily agree that it’s unhealthy. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether it causes addiction. While some are convinced that it doesn’t, others are convinced that advertisements help brain wash the new generation. Along with the chemicals added to the fast food to help contribute to the addiction cycle. My own view is that fast food is addictiv e. In my point of view fast food is addictive because it seems that the more fast foodRead MoreFast Food Is Bad For Our Health855 Words   |  4 PagesIntro Quick, delicious, and hot that’s all people think when they are getting fast food for them and their family so they went have to cook. You can get fast food almost on every corner of a street and on any continent you go to. Fast food is now starting to invade non fast food eater’s lives by offering so called health items on the menu. Fast food is everywhere and people don’t consider what’s in the fast food they eat. What it could do to our health and why you feel sluggish, and when I go will IRead MoreFast Foods And Fast Food Essay1147 Words   |  5 PagesFast food is one of the easiest ways to get food and eat it in a hurry. More people have been eating fast food rather than eating at home for years. The rate of fast food consumption has not slowed in over fifteen years (North). Americans in today’s society are busier than they have been. With people being busy they cannot find an easy way to make dinner, so they go to fast food restaurants to get food on the go. Many Americans also believe they are too busy to go shopping for groceries. Being busyRead MoreFast Food Receives Mixed Emotions For Example, A Common1575 Words   |  7 PagesFast food receives mixed emotions for example, a common occurrence, a guilty pleasure, or taboo. In the book The Omnivore’s Dilemma the author Michael Pollan talks about fast food in the chapter â€Å"The Meal: Fast food†. Everyone has some sort of relationship with it one way or another. Pollan not only talks about fast food, but, dissects what is actually inside of fast food. However, before we can jump in on another diet trend or on anyone who is talking about what people should be eating, we needRead MoreFast Food Advertisements Should Be Banned872 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscussions of fast food ads, one controversial issue has been that fast food ads can be held responsible for childhood obesity. On the other hand, most people contend that fast food ads shouldn’t b e banned because there are a lot of people who love fast food. Others even maintain that if people banned fast food ads, children will go more into the drugs instead of fast food. My own view is that fast food ads shouldn’t be banned. I know that fast food ads can manipulate children and adults to buy food whichRead MoreFast Food Restaurants Should Sell Healthier Food or Be Banished1351 Words   |  6 Pageshundred sixty thousand fast food restaurants in the United States of America. Everyone should think twice before deciding to eat fast food. Fast food restaurants need to sell healthier foods and tell the people what is actually in the food. Fast food restaurants should be banished in the US. The fast food restaurants should be taxed more. A person’s health is one of the most important aspects about them. People want to be skinny and have a perfect body, people cannot eat fast food all of the time and

Friday, December 13, 2019

Yoko ono louisiana Free Essays

She was also married to John Lennon until he passed away! As her 80th birthday approached this year, she presented her most diverse and extensive range of oeuvres including 200 objects, films, music, photographs, poems, etc. at at Louisiana. Her works are not only within art, but also performance, music, peace and feminist movements – she’s equally talented in all of them. We will write a custom essay sample on Yoko ono louisiana or any similar topic only for you Order Now The exhibition, which is the greatest one she has ever had in Europe up until now ncluded some of her most recent works as well as some of her earliest ones. It reflected how important her oeuvres have been to the development of contemporary art on a global scale. The essential elements of her oeuvres are not only objects but also ideas that she transmits through verbal instructions. Consequently she builds an interesting relationship with her viewers. She is the initiator and gives viewers an active role inviting them to use these instructions to interact in the creative process of her works if they are performable, or gives them food for thought if they are utopian. The thematic range of these ideas is enormous as they can be poetic, crazy, clever, social criticisms and involve subtle sense of humour. At Louisiana she invited her visitors to â€Å"Watch the sun until it becomes square† and create a painting on a transparent plastic surface using water drops and a sponge. She also invites everyone to write a wish and hang it on the â€Å"Wish Tree† – Everyone’s wishes will be collected and sent to her â€Å"Imagine Peace Tower† in Reykjavik where millions of wishes from across the world are saved. I must admit some of her works almost provoked reactions such as â€Å"Is she serious? † and â€Å"This is a Joke† sometimes – but art is art, and often comes in rather rare forms that play with our minds. She is unique in her own ways and her works are strongly One area played her music ranging back to songs, videos, concert recordings and posters from when she first met Lennon until her last remix album mies, I’m a Witch† released in 2007 – I find it quite astonishing that she is as active as she is considering her age – Good Asian genetics I guess. Yoko mentions herself that exhibiting at Louisiana was a must in life to consider herself a â€Å"made† artist, which is one of the main reasons her exhibition here was so unique and special. One of her major architectural installations â€Å"En Trance† was there, which hadn’t been seen for years. It consists of a wall with six different entrance options that lead to different experiences such as crawling under/through different structures, seeing yourself hundreds of times in a mirror and even watching a woman fall quite ridiculously while attempting to get through one of the entrances. How to cite Yoko ono louisiana, Papers